Today around noon my brother in law called and left message about a wood burning stove he saw online. We have been looking for one for our kitchen that has a flat top to cook on in power outages and such, but we live in an old Victorian house and the stove we have is kind of modern so when I went to the website and saw it I thought it was great.
I called and he said he had a lot of people look at it and want to see it (which I totally believe cause it was a good price and looked nice), so my sister in law happen to come in while I was talking to him and she offered to go with me to pick it up, since I am (useless) pregnant!
She called her hubby, my brother in law and within 25 minutes we were on our way (about 45 minutes each way) to get this fireplace. My brother in law looked it over (since he knows about fireplaces) and we paid for it and were on our way. They are seriously amazing!
The guys house was so nice. We pulled up to a beautiful lawn with a cute porch so nicely decorated with flowers and a few pieces of furniture. He comes walking over from a fenced in area where two pretty horses are hanging out. It was such a nice set up. Made me want to redo my whole front porch area (which is a WHOLE different story)! The man and his wife were so kind, and the wife took my little man and two cousins around to see the dogs and the bird feeder and antlers. They seriously were people I wish I had an hour or two to just sit and visit with, but since my brother in law was on lunch break, we kept it short.
Wheeler just tried to hand me a candy he had taken a bite out of-- "I am going to save this for my baby." He kepts trying to save little pieces of candy, food, drinks, for the baby, or his cousins. He is so funny. Also--maybe TMI--but he has constipation issues so it is a big deal when he poops. The other day (maybe I already blogged this?) he wanted a sucker, which he can have IF he poops in the potty, so he went and sat for a while and suddenly I heard "only crap that is a big poo-poo!" Seriously where does he learn this!
I have a wireless mouse and when the batteries start to run low it starts jumping around and 'tweeking' out. So much so that I can't use spell check cause I can't high light the exact word--so sorry for any spelling mistakes until I buy some more triple A batteries.
The Christmas gifts I ordered are starting to come in, and I am not sure why, but this is the first I haven't just torn into them to look at them. Maybe I am maturing, maybe I am just tired, maybe I am just not as excited this year as other years? Who knows!
When I wake up I keep thinking 'today I will have more energy', but it isn't happening! I wish my 'nesting' would kick in so I could get my house up to where I would like it to be. These past two weeks the house has been at their worst since moving home from Korea. It might help if
1. I could keep a train of thought going for more then 10 minutes
2. I didn't have to stop my projects every 45 minutes to use the restroom
3. I wasn't competing with my 3 year old to keep it clean (today I found the butter under the dining room table!?)
THIS section I split my to do list up in the remaining days left---
This was the randomness that was left over.
Both libraries on 30th--Renew Library books online?
Return all Library books or renew the ones I want to keep
After Baby is Born
Figure out how to organize my kitchen (zones?) (Take pictures and make a plan in Denver?)
Do Korean gifts for Christmas (not gonna happen before I leave)
In "the big town"
Find embellishments for baby book (Finish in the big town)
Look for oven to buy in Denver (mine is officially on its last leg!)
Christmas gifts for extended family and others
Dad in Law
Mom in law
Dad in law (hubby in charge)
McFadden Family- grown up
Little man man
Lucas Name