Monday, October 13, 2014

10/13/2014--Day 27-- Politics

I recently got my ballot thing that explains all the new amendments we are going to be voting on soon.

I was raised in a pretty political family - no one ever ran for office but understanding the candidates, the issues, were a big deal.  My mom was very vocal about it and later my brother was involved a lot with politics in high school.

I always did Student Counsel, Sophomore through Senior year, but I never joined any specific political club.

I take pride in being informed and being able to vote.

We have 4 Amendments on our ballot this year and I am only unsure on how I will vote on one of them after reading about it.

I have a harder time with the Judges and Courts and stuff like that.  I find there just isn't a lot of non bias information out there on them.

In high school I took a government class and one of the things we were suppose to do was go to a grass roots movement and vote.  It was held in a house in my neighborhood.  I read over the phamplet I received there about the people running, but really didn't really understand it and didn't really know who to vote for.

I do remember picking someone I thought would do a good job (I didn't know anyone personally on the ballot), but there were many people I thought might do a good job.  Since that day I have been super embarrassed because one of the men running was at the house and I am sure he thought he had a shoe in until a group of us high school students with little knowledge came and voted.  I am not sure why that embarrassed me.  I don't remember who he was or if I even liked his political stance, I just remember that I made a choice that effected his life.

Since that day I have taken my voting knowledge more seriously.  I never vote unless I know and understand the issue.

Also my mom told me once, always vote NO on retaining a judge unless you KNOW for sure they are good because you don't want judges to think they are irreplaceable.

So I encourage everyone to become educated and vote.  If you really feel you don't have time to study the ballot (it took me about 20 minutes) then make sure you ask someone you feel politically in-tune with how they are voting and why.

Living in a small town (where we call the mayor by his first name), I know the importance one board member can make.  Good or bad.  It isn't enough to vote for your friend, but more important is to vote for someone who will be understanding, unbiased, and look at both sides of an issue before deciding what is best for the COMMUNITY and not just them.  

In our small town people have won and lost within 5 votes.  Only to have people tell them --'I would have voted for you, but I just didn't get around to it.'  Let me tell you how frustrating that is!

I have seen things voted on out of spite for someone the board member doesn't like, or only for their personal gain, even if it causes more people problems then does good.

SO please take 20-30 minutes this week (maybe during a lunch break) and read your ballot over and gain more knowledge before voting and then make sure you do VOTE!

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