Put knobs on dresser
Find knobs
Check car for trip
Clean house
Halloween decorations down.
Do two loads of laundry
Luke's Laundry
Do all of Math for kids school finished
Seriously one week + one day left! UGG!
We live in a small town and normally have about 50-60 trick or treaters. Last night we only had 20!! I have so much candy left over! Glad none of it is Halloween specific-(Christmas stockings)
The crazy thing is, it was Friday AND warmer than normal? I thought we would have a lot more because of that, but nope. My kids had a great time and I am SO thankful for Aunt Pam and Angela for taking the kids around! They had so much fun.
As you can see (yesterday) we had a full day. We picked up Jay and went to the art show. I bought some dish clothes from my 94 year old friend and we watched a glass worker for a while. We headed to the grocery store for a few things (more candy, which was overkill now!). At the grocery store the workers dressed up and one guy looked like he was trapped in a cage by a skeleton. It was awesome and the kids really liked it. He was about 8 feet tall with the costume on so he drew a lot of attention.
After we went to the Big Rigs and more event--They had a few police cars, a fire truck, an ambulance, a big rig, a fueling truck, and a few other things. They gave free balloons and a extendable backhoe thing where they lifted the kids in a big bucket really high--I will try to post pictures soon.
We then went to Pizza Hut-Bad experience, waited over an hour, got orders wrong and over all not a happy time.
My crew had to leave early so we could get to my Dr. Appointment. Everything is still great and baby is head down, so we are still good to go.
We met Pam and her kids at the park and played for about an hour and headed home to relax, make mummy dogs, and head out trick or treating. Over all (and other than a few grumpy moments with Wheeler and me) we had a good and successful day.
Thanksgiving Thoughts (I am going to try to add 5 things I am thankful for everyday for the next week)
1 A husband who is AMAZING!
2 Awesome kids (who put up with my mood swings)
3 Indoor plumbing
4 the smells, sights, and sounds of FALL!
5 Chocolate Chip Cookies
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