Saturday, February 13, 2016

21 day mom rescue

I have been doing a thing called the 21 day Mom Rescue-day was my day 7 and it is getting to the point where you stop planning and start doing--the hardest part for me. It is a lady named Hannah and she helps you take steps to living the most productive life you can.  Big thanks to my friend Tomena who showed this to me-

Along with Hannah's stuff I have just learned about Bullet Journaling.  It is similar to what I have been doing for years, but makes a lot of sense and looks easier than what I have been doing--and more fun too!

So while looking at the Bullet Journals I ran across something called Miracle Morning--which is also amazing.

I am a seeker of information, but not so much a DOER of knowledge.  I am stopping my information overload while I get these systems in place.  I am really enjoying it, but find that I am still spending WAY to much time at the computer while my kids are awake, so that needs to be worked into all these awesome new things I am learning.

SO on Monday--yes I am ONE of those people who start things on a Monday-- I am going to do my Miracle Morning and work from my bullet journal and actual become a DOER.

PS: I have been doing my Lent stuff pretty well---

1. No tortilla's-unless I am using them for an actual meal. (I know strange, but I eat a ton of tortilla- they are my go to snack and I often put unhealthy stuff on them-- I miss them a lot, but I am doing pretty good)

2. De-clutter-- I haven't decluttered today--so I am off to do my shoes for 10 minutes. -ok didn't take me 10 minuets because I don't have a ton of shoes, but I did toss two pairs away-- a pair of slippers from Korea (donation bag) and a pair of slip on shoes (that is just about all I wear) that have seen better days.

3. Exercise Daily-except Sunday: I have missed one day, but since I use to  never exercise just about a month ago I think this is pretty good.  I am in a spinning class on Tuesday/Thursday - which I LOVE-so the other days I have a whole bunch of stuff on an exercise pinterest board--so I just go and choose one to do.  I mostly like HIIT stuff and Zumba videos.

Have you ever made a SMALL decision that changed your life for the better?  What was it?

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