Thursday, October 30, 2014

10/30/2014-- Day 9 -- To Do list and a few pictures! FINALLY!

I guess blue and red where the colors for Halloween this year--
didn't even notice till I saw these pictures!
Spanish Dancer and Super Girl!

YAY!  It is 10:15 and I am done with my MUST DO LIST--I am not feeling so hot, so I think I will put my feet up for a few minutes-get my kitchen done-and then enjoy the Halloween parties for the rest of the day!  I love having a manageable to do list (if I ignore the stuff I didn't do yesterday) :)

Plus I love when you pull out the things you have been planning on canning and freezing and it just isn't quite ripe yet!  Thanks pineapples for taking longer to ripen! Looks like Saturday will be a major catch up day!

Thursday 10/30/2014

  Make Chili for church Halloween party
  Get kids ready for School (costumes)
  Kids Halloween parties
      Squirts cupcakes
  Fall yard clean up
              Pull flowers on side of house
   How do I prepay hospital--call and find out
    Make Dr. Appointment for when I get to the BIG TOWN!   11/11/14--@2:45

       Clean House Well
              Dining Room
              Kitchen (spray for bugs-Lucas)
              Back two rooms (Spray for bugs-Lucas)
        Do Laundry--1 load-- Wash   Dry    Fold    Away
        Pepper Thank you cards (make or find) (Pepper write)                         (Address) (Mail)-
        Freeze Pineapple (not ripe) 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

10/29/2014 -- Day 10 -- To do list (every day now) and just a little life!

Today has been a good day-not everything got done on my list, but I accomplished other stuff that isn't on this list.  --I have a HUGE pile of boxes full of clothes that I sorted into trash bags--now I just got to put those trash bags in the right clothing size tub---but I didn't find my breastfeeding cover which is WHY I went through it in the first place!  It only leaves me thinking that my cover is in a very random box that isn't label!  Looks like I will be searching some more over the next few days! :(

One of the biggest problems is the harder/more I work the grumpier I am by the end of the day.

Gotta work on that.  I gotta pray for energy and patience.  Especially since these next two days are gonna be busy!!

I have the kids school parties tomorrow--we have treat bags for each class, and I made (but not frosted) Squirts class cupcakes.  I think it will be a good day! After school we have the church Halloween party, which in my mind I am gonna have to cut it short.

On Halloween there is a 'Big Rig' event at a church 'in town', followed by my Dr. Appointment, followed by going to support my dear friend "grandma Lo" at her annual art show event, and then getting the girls their free pizza for reading so much--and then get home and get ready to go trick or treating.

I am having such mixed thoughts about my DR appointment on Friday.  I really hope that I am not dilated at all so I can finish up doing what I need to here, but on the other hand it would be a FANTASTIC surprise to find out that I am ready to have this baby early!  I am not holding my breath, but my friend (due Nov. 4th) has had her baby today!  I am totally jealous!

Alright, I am done for the day!

   Water lawn (do this every day)
   Find Sprinkler that works
  Fall yard clean up
         Pick up apples 
         Pull out the non garden items    
  Spray outside house for bugs (Lucas must do)
  Vote and Mail in
  Call Dr. Jackson for Denver referral
  Appointment with other teacher on Wednesday
  Make Cupcakes for Squirt   
  Freeze Pineapple
  Clean house Well
        Kitchen (spray for bugs-Lucas)
        Back two rooms (Spray for bugs-Lucas)
Do three laundry loads TOTALLY 
#1 wash    Dry   Fold    Away
#2 Wash   Dry    Fold    Away
#3 Wash   Dry    Fold    Away
Pepper Thank you cards (make or find) (Pepper write) (Address) (Mail)
Get costumes together
      Sedona--tights/fan/hair bow/make-up
      Pepper--shirt/tights/make up/
Get Stuff from Jenni
Grocery Shopping 
Post Office
Drop lid off at lady house
Mail Angie money
Get Visit Teacher done-- write a letter -- Mail
call to report VT
eggs to Lois
chicken food

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

10/28/2014 -- Day 11 -- Wood Stove, In laws, To do list, and ramblings.

Today around noon my brother in law called and left message about a wood burning stove he saw online.  We have been looking for one for our kitchen that has a flat top to cook on in power outages and such, but we live in an old Victorian house and the stove we have is kind of modern so when I went to the website and saw it I thought it was great.

I called and he said he had a lot of people look at it and want to see it (which I totally believe cause it was a good price and looked nice), so my sister in law happen to come in while I was talking to him and she offered to go with me to pick it up, since I am (useless) pregnant!

She called her hubby, my brother in law and within 25 minutes we were on our way (about 45 minutes each way) to get this fireplace.  My brother in law looked it over (since he knows about fireplaces) and we paid for it and were on our way.  They are seriously amazing!

The guys house was so nice. We pulled up to a beautiful lawn with a cute porch so nicely decorated with flowers and a few pieces of furniture.  He comes walking over from a fenced in area where two pretty horses are hanging out.  It was such a nice set up.  Made me want to redo my whole front porch area (which is a WHOLE different story)!  The man and his wife were so kind, and the wife took my little man and two cousins around to see the dogs and the bird feeder and antlers. They seriously were people I wish I had an hour or two to just sit and visit with, but since my brother in law was on lunch break, we kept it short.


Wheeler just tried to hand me a candy he had taken a bite out of-- "I am going to save this for my baby."  He kepts trying to save little pieces of candy, food, drinks, for the baby, or his cousins.  He is so funny.  Also--maybe TMI--but he has constipation issues so it is a big deal when he poops. The other day (maybe I already blogged this?) he wanted a sucker, which he can have IF he poops in the potty, so he went and sat for a while and suddenly I heard "only crap that is a big poo-poo!"  Seriously where does he learn this!


I have a wireless mouse and when the batteries start to run low it starts jumping around and 'tweeking' out. So much so that I can't use spell check cause I can't high light the exact word--so sorry for any spelling mistakes until I buy some more triple A batteries.


The Christmas gifts I ordered are starting to come in, and I am not sure why, but this is the first I haven't just torn into them to look at them.  Maybe I am maturing, maybe I am just tired, maybe I am just not as excited this year as other years? Who knows!


When I wake up I keep thinking 'today I will have more energy', but it isn't happening!  I wish my 'nesting' would kick in so I could get my house up to where I would like it to be.  These past two weeks the house has been at their worst since moving home from Korea.  It might help if
1.  I could keep a train of thought going for more then 10 minutes
2.  I didn't have to stop my projects every 45 minutes to use the restroom
3.  I wasn't competing with my 3 year old to keep it clean (today I found the butter under the dining room table!?)


THIS section I split my to do list up in the remaining days left---
This was the randomness that was left over. 

 Both libraries on 30th--Renew Library books online?

Return all Library books or renew the ones I want to keep

After Baby is Born
Figure out how to organize my kitchen (zones?)  (Take pictures and make a plan in Denver?)
  Do Korean gifts for Christmas (not gonna happen before I leave)

 In "the big town"
  Find embellishments for baby book (Finish in the big town)
Look for oven to buy in Denver (mine is officially on its last leg!)

   Christmas gifts for extended family and others
      Dad in Law
     Mom in law  
     Dad in law (hubby in charge)
     McFadden Family- grown up
     Little man man
        Lucas Name

Monday, October 27, 2014

10/27/2014 -- Day 12 -- pretzel pizza & going to 'town'

There are few pizza's I don't like, but today I had a pretzel pizza from Little Ceaser's.

I don't claim that their pizza is amazing, but for the price it is pretty great.   But today I spent the extra dollar and got the pretzel pizza.  I am not sure why I don't like it, maybe because of the large pieces of salt? Maybe because the piece I got was mostly crust and very little toppings.

So today I went to 'town'.  When you live 20 miles from the closest big grocery stores you tend to plan ahead.  Plus with gas prices (even though they are falling :) )  we try not to go more than once every two weeks-since that is when payday happens.

It wears me out.  Even when I am not prego I feel drained after going and I am not sure why.

One thing I LOVE about going to 'town' is that I get fast food.  The closest fast food place is 20+ miles away (in 'town').  I grew up on fast food and I love it.  So when I go I try to make it there for lunch and pick something up for dinner on the way out of town-normally Taco Bell for lunch and Pizza for dinner.

People seemed to be very kind today.  Maybe it is because I waddle so bad they are afraid I am going to pop any second, or maybe cause I look just worn out, but more than one worker at the grocery store asked if I needed any help, the grocery bagger insisted she push at least one of my carts (yes I had two) to my car, I had the door held open for me at two places, and even the library ladies were kind when Little Man threw a fit and I was trying to calm him.

So not much to report today because all day was spent in 'town' and pizza was the most exciting part of my day.  Oh I guess I am excited because I also bought a car seat for $20--my car seat expired and I am afraid of dealing with hospital people being stubborn about us taking home baby in it.  My husband told me not to worry about it, but when I saw this car seat for this price I just got it.   Oh yeah--AND I got .30 cents off gas, so I filled my almost empty tank for $2.79 a gallon today! It was awesome--so I guess there were a lot of good things that happened today :)

Sunday, October 26, 2014

10/26/2014 --Day 13-- Starting to hit me! and more

For some reason the idea of having a new baby hasn't really settled in. Maybe I have been focused so much on the pregnancy I have kind of forgotten when the end result will be.

I am SUPER excited to have a new baby, but I am really frustrated to think about breastfeeding--lets just say I hate it.

Funny how most women fear birth, but I fear breastfeeding.

So I am trying really hard on focusing on the good and happy parts of having a newborn and trying hard not to feel overwhelmed.


Today we went to visit another congregation (Same church) that my brother in law and his family attend.  He was placed in the highest leadership position in the congregation, which means he will be the spiritual leader for his congregation for the next 5-10 years.

It was great to be there and take part in that.


I have been watching movies I have rented from the library---Sherlock is one of the TV series I have watched.  It has been fun, and interesting, but really I am not SHERLOCKED at all.  I will watch the rest when they come out cause I like them, but I would rather do a Mentalist marathon!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

10/25/2014 -- Day 14 -- Leg cramps, hot coco, and Weekends

Two nights ago I woke up with the worst cramp in my calf.  It was painful!  Last night in the same leg I had a cramp in my hamstring.  It wasn't as bad as my calf, but still painful enough.

Two days later I am still super sore! Yesterday I couldn't hardly straighten my leg cause it hurt so bad.

I made sure I have been drinking enough water and I bought bananas today to help combat it!  In doing research on why this happens I learned 'they' don't really know why.  There are theories, but nothing that actually is specific.

I remember my church leader telling me she used a certain essential oil on leg cramps, so I think I will look into that and HOPE it is one that I already have cause I am NOT looking forward to these.  I have leg cramps (and heart burn) with all my pregnancies and the leg cramps wake me out of deep sleep into sitting bolt upright trying to relax and message the pain away.

So now not only do I wake every two hours to use the restroom-I now get to wake up randomly with leg cramps!  ugg!  Just getting me ready for breastfeeding I guess!


If you don't know-- I LOVE HOT CHOCOLATE!  That is all, but I am sure this won't be the last you hear of my hot chocolate obsession, especially since we are just getting into colder  weather!


Saturdays are so strange. Some times I have a ton of energy and get a lot done, while other Saturdays (like today)  I just zone out, sleep, and accomplish so little!

Sundays are nap days for me.  I don't know why but they always have been.  I come home from church and zonk! It is a bad habit to do it every Sunday!  I need to find better ways to fill my time during the Lords day!

I have lists and lists of things that I could/should do.  I guess this time in my life isn't the best to start trying to add a lot, so in about six months I will reevaluate my time and see how I can spend it better--especially on Sunday!


I think I am running out of ideas to blog about...or I am just totally useless today!  Yeah, I going with useless.  Why is it so easy to think of blog posts that are brilliant in the middle of the night, but come up with nothing while sitting at the computer?

Friday, October 24, 2014

10/24/2014--Day 15-- Energy TImer, Clean house, once a month cooking, P!nk

This will be a total random blog.

First I swear my energy level is on a timer and around 5:30 it just runs out. The only time that doesn't happen is when I am in the middle of something, or I have had a good nap, but seriously I am DONE by this time.  My body just goes limp, my hips stop working, and I am miserable!


My house can't stay clean for more than an hour.  For example. I asked the kids to help finish picking up while I mowed the lawn.  In the fall it takes me about 2 hours to do this--I thought the house is pretty clean so it will look amazing when I get in--WRONG!  It looks worse. Instead of picking up anything up they pulled toys out and it looks so much worse!  UGG.

To give her props--Firecracker did clean the bathroom as well as she could so that IS SO HELPFUL!  I made sure she was WELL aware of how awesome that was.

So now my energy level is GONE and the house isn't finished.  I just don't know how to do it!


Yesterday Pam and I finished the meals.  It went so much better yesterday since all the BIG mess was made and cleaned up.  Now it was just assembly.  It still took a LOT of time.  I arrived at her house around 9:30 and worked till I left at 4:04--with a lot of meals and Pams kitchen pretty clean.  

I really want to do a detailed blog post of the process-the grocery list-the prep-the cooking-the assembly-the packaging-and all of that, but by the time I sit down to blog I am to tired to mentally think about it.  

One day I will do it again and be more detailed oriented.  Plus while it was great doing it with Pam this time (seriously wouldn't have been able to do it without her), I think next time we will do it separately.  It just gets to be to big with that much food.  OR we will just do less meals and do more of them. 

I am totally loving the artist P!nk right now.  She is pretty hardcore, and amazing.  
I do look for CLEAN versions of her songs since she does swear a lot, but I also love watching her perform.  She does all this acrobatics and SINGS at the same time.  It is amazing!  
Plus she has an AMAZING body.  After watching her do a few "live" performances (on youtube so they aren't live anymore), I can see why she has such a great body.  
I guess I think she is AMAZING--since I used it WAY more than anyone should in one short blurp. 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

10-23-214 -- Day 16 -- Once a month cooking

Yesterday was a very frustrating day for me!  Today will be better, but still frustrating!

I am a planner so when things don't go according to plan I am upset!

I planned to do once a month cooking with my sister in law.

She is getting foot surgery and I am having a baby so we won't be really up for helping each other very much, so we figured this would be a good thing to do.

BUT my calculations are all messed up!  I planned on making about 20 different meals and being able to make 4 of each, but we are only coming up with 2 of each!

I don't know where I went wrong.

The good thing is we will both end up with about 20 meals in our freezer for easy access, but the frustrating part is it isn't 40!!

Last time I did this I was really organized and it worked out perfect. Very little left overs--the right amount of stuff for each meal, but this time we have a TON of hamburger left, we ran out of other stuff, and things like that.

Today we will finish assembling the meals--yesterday we assembled some of them--but we cooked all the meat, washed and chopped all the veggies, and worked from 9:30 am till 8:30 pm--that included clean up.  I was TIRED last night.  Today we should be finished by early afternoon!

Oh live and you learn.  I will have to cook up some meat so I will have meat enough for a few more meals--cause that is the hardest part of the meal for me, is getting the meat out and cooked.

I just noticed I have a little more than 2 weeks left!! YAY!  But man I have a lot to do in 2 weeks!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

10/21/2014--Day 18 -- daily journal

So today was busy and FUN!

I woke up to pick up the house (after checking facebook and pinterest first of course), and run to the grocery store.

I bought a few things I still needed for the once a month cooking, but ran home to vacuum before all the Preschool group got to my house.

We had a fun time of making a paper plate and toilet paper ghost craft, making "popcorn balls", which was more like 'rice crispy treat' popcorn balls, and I painted the kids faces.

I think it went well.  After that a good friend came over and helped me with some birthing information I  have been wondering about.  She was a great help and I think I worked through an issue or two I was worried about labor--like exactly how to visualize it.

After that all three kids had DR. appointments---including Flu shots-which are NEVER fun.

Followed by some grocery shopping and finish up the day with homework and bedtime.

Kind of boring to read about but I find it kind of perfect --except for the swollen feet at the end of the day!

Oh yeah--AND I was able to buy over 250 diapers for 30 bucks!! WHOO HOO! I am FULLY stocked up on Size 1 diapers---now time to stock pile size 2. (I have 3 small packages of newborns cause Little Man had grown out of them by week 3--so we never know what to expect)

10/21/2014 -- Day 19--Elf on a shelf Ideas

Here is my list of Elf on the Shelf ideas.

Once again Christmas before Halloween--I am a planner!

Maybe I will take pictures of each day.

Day in December

1. welcome letter and advent calendar (Dang it, better get the advent calendar together!)
2. With Cereal boxes in the morning
3. With a bag of stuff for s'mores for us
4. Wrapped up in Christmas lights
5. Watching a Christmas movie
6. Change computer screen to picture of self
7. Riding a dinosaur
8. Hanging his clothes out to dry (we got a cute clothing line from my friend)
9. Making a fort
10: Hid in the tea set with a box of new tea
11: working out--toothpicks and mini marshmallows
12: fill the middle room with balloons
13: Reading a Christmas book
14: Hiding Candy Canes around house
15: Sitting in Christmas tree
16: Dye milk green
17: Gifts to take to our neighbors (wrapping paper still out)
18: Paint kids faces while sleeping
19: T.P. the Christmas tree
20: Decorate the mirror in bathroom
21: playing in baby diapers -- a little mess with baby powder
22: Put kids underwear on Tree
23: Praying at the Nativity
24:  Reading the scriptures
25:  Just a note from the Elf saying goodbye

Last year my kids found the Elf in my drawer.  Why was he still there?  I told them he was checking up on them every now and again and today, I guess, was a day he was checking.  I made sure to cover him with a sock and hide him in a higher spot!

Monday, October 20, 2014

10/20/2014--Day 20--Pictures to take of my baby the first 30 days

So I looked for a list that tells of 30 specific pictures to take of your newborn in the first 30 days of their life, but couldn't find one list.

So I made one off of other pictures I liked.  I know that these should come naturally to take these pictures, but as the 4th kid and during the month of December things are bound to get a little crazy!

Like most of my posts, this is mainly for me, but feel free to read along.   :)

Wow this is proving harder than I thought!  I guess I will leave the last 10 days blank and see what I can come up with.  Plus I know these aren't in order cause we will most likely see our extended family before day 21--but I want to just get them down!  Looks like I will leave some blank spots and fill them in as I find pictures I like.

Day 1: of course the 1st picture and the siblings & Grandma meeting the baby the first time.
Day 2: Going home picture if you are able to go home this day
Day 3: Up close picture of body--ears, eyes, nose, mouth, fingers, toes, and so on!
Day 4: Picture of them all wrapped up in their cute blankets sleeping
Day 5: Crying Picture
Day 6: Individual picture with each of the kids
Day 7: Dad and Baby-lots of pictures
Day 8: Picture with toy-take one a month to show growth
Day 9: In favorite outfit
Day 10: Bath time
Day 11: Try to get a yawn picture
Day 12: Mom and baby sleeping
Day 13: With dads tools
Day 14: In dads monster truck--how? humm?
Day 15: In a Christmas box (as the present)
Day 16: In front of Christmas Tree
Day 17: Mom and baby hands-each kid and dad too
Day 18: snuggle and reading time with baby
Day 19: Belly Button (now it should look normal)
Day 20: Better Family picture--with mom NOT in hospital/frumpy clothes
Day 21: Cousins/extended family
Day 22:
Day 23:
Day 24:
Day 25:
Day 26:
Day 27:
Day 28:
Day 29:
Day 30:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

10/19/2014 -- Day 21--The perfect blog

maybe this is wrong of me, but if I run across a blog that looks perfect--I get easily bored.  I like to see peoples mess ups.  Not horrible 'life is ending' mess ups, but pictures with the kids dirty, or the house in the background a little messy.

I skip the blogs where every picture is of some expensive big adventure.

Do you know what I mean?

The first blog I stumbled on was a family in totally matching perfectly looking clothes and hair--all their pictures were at the 'family cabin' which was nicer than my house--the next set of pictures were on a boat with everyone water skiing or enjoying their gorgeous bodies on an awesome (but ridiculously expensive) smaller boat.  I read the first page of their is perfect.

The next blog the first post I read was about how each family member had been to the hospital that month and for all different things.  It is real (but the things were all 'minor'), it was funny, it made me want to read more about her real life and not just about all the sparkly things that happen in their life.

BUT to be honestly fair, I didn't read past the first page of that blog either.  Call me a blog snob!

BUT I am a total hypocrite because I also don't like blogs without pictures, and mine is just that.  A picture-less, colorless blog.  One day I will look into that more, but that is NOT a priority on my 'just survive today' list.

So I guess I can take a deep breath knowing that no one will ever look at my blog and think 'what a perfect life she lives', but in my mind it is pretty dang close to perfect!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

10/18/2014--Day 22-- Forget November

I am not sure why but I just am skipping November for the most part in my mind.  Um..maybe because I will have a new baby for most of the month!

SO I am going to take down Halloween decorations and start Christmas decorations and totally skip Thanksgiving.

Also Thanksgiving this year will be SIMPLE.

Maybe instant potatoes, instant sweet potatoes, corn, store bought rolls, and steak (which I will ask hubby to cook).

Also I have started to think about Elf on the Shelf ideas and wrote down an idea for each day so that I don't have to think about it and plan ahead if I need to, but they are all easy and don't need a lot of prep or execution.  Maybe after this year I will be able to step it up in these fun little things, but not this year!

So sorry to be posting about Christmas before even Halloween, but I am ONE of those people this year.

December Daily Picture--cute idea.  I saw a list of pictures to take every day while waiting for the Big Guy in Red to show up.   Had to write it down before I forgot.

I think I should a list of pictures to take of your newborn for the first 30 days too!

Humm--after my 2 minute search I couldn't find a list -- looks like I will have to make my own--I feel a new post coming up!

10/17/2014 -- Day 23-- Christmas on the brain!

Since I will be out of commission during the biggest shopping weeks of the year I am planning WAY ahead!

I have completed Christmas shopping for my girls, 75% done for Little Man, and about 50% done for my husband.

Growing up we always had huge Christmas's and it was so fun!  It would take us hours to open gifts (we opened them one at a time and everyone watched the others open them).  We would stop halfway through and have a big breakfast, clean up the 1st round of the mess, and then start again!

BUT my husband and I have decided to do it differently.  I had a friend tell me a few years ago that they do 3 gifts because that is how many gifts Christ got.  (I don't count stocking gifts as the three gifts--but they have a set gift set they get in their stocking)

That same friend has even more detailed plans--something they can read, do, and something they want.

I changed my to
#1: Something to do together with Mom & Dad
#2: Something they want
#3: Something to do

In their stockings they get
-an ornament (dealing with something important that happened to them that year)
-Their own soda pop
-Their own bag of chips
-Mint tins-they LOVE mints
-New toothbrushes
-Their own fun band aids
-Fruit snacks

Also we ask Santa to only bring one large family gift.  One year it was money to go on a monthly family date (helped us get to Korea last year).  This year we aren't sure what to ask Santa for...maybe a horse (which would be believed in the spring).

I have a HUGE list of people I always want to give gifts to each year, but never do.

Here is my list

Little Man

Mother in law
Father in law

Father in law
Mother in law


Grandma Nana
Grandma Bev
Grandma Cluff

Family Name on Amy side
Family Name on Lucas side (this year each person drew a name giving me 5 people to shop for)
Lucas Name
Amy Name
Squirt Name
FireCracker Name
Little Man Name

6 Uncles
7 Aunts

Squirt Teacher
Firecracker Teacher

11 close friends/cousins

4 neighbors

Visit Teachers (2)
People I Visit Teach (3)
Person I teach with (1)

Home Teachers (2)
People to Home Teach (2)
RS Presidency
Primary Presidency
Stake Presidency

Trash man

Over kill?

Yes I think so!

Thank goodness for the dollar store, but really I do put thought into my gifts and try to get stuff people want.  I know I can cut out lots of these people--and honestly most of them NEVER get their gift even if I do get around to making/buying one for them.

I do a lot homemade (food) gifts, but again so many people are overwhelmed with that stuff lots of it goes to waste.  I have thought of not doing Christmas gifts, but doing Valentine or Halloween gifts instead.  Maybe this year I will do Valentine gifts and just send a family letter out.

But my question is how do you let people know you appreciate them without a junky little gift that takes a lot of time on my part, but gets trashed ASAP--or how not to spend a lot of money on lots of little gifts?

Thursday, October 16, 2014

10/16/2014 -- day 24-- field trips and home schooling

Last week we were suppose to go with the home school group to the dairy, but it was cold and rainy and muddy and miserable!  So it was rescheduled for today.

Today was beautiful. A little wind, but nothing unbearable.

So I take Little Man to the diary and we walk through the first room.  Oh no! It smells of milk and cows.  To say that my prego stomach flipped a little is an understatement.  I was getting worried I wouldn't be able to handle it, but we soon entered the room where the cows were milked and while it smelled horrible, I knew I could handle it.

BUT little did I know that Little Man didn't like the smell and HE threw up the small box of nerds he had just eaten.  The diary guy was really kind and said "good thing it happened in here so we can just wash it down with all the cow stuff."

We quickly exited and I asked if Wheeler wanted to see the baby calfs being fed.

"No, so stinky mom, lets go home!"

He had been SO excited to see the cows, and he hates going home, so I knew he really didn't like the smell.  He has been fine since then and I really think the smell just got to him.  So much for raising a rancher.


I will be removing my kids for the last three weeks of school in November, and since Thanksgiving is the last week and at our school we have a big Junior Carnival to help the Juniors raise money for Prom, the last week of school is really nothing.

I will be homeschooling them for two weeks.  It takes me a lot of prep to home school kids.  I have decided if we home school again for a longer amount of time I will just order a program, but since it is only for two weeks I am just making my own, again.

I was going to go into detail, but honestly I am just to tired tonight.  Maybe when I finally finish my brain book I will tell about my homeschooling.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

10/15/2014-- Day 25 -- Constipation & the right tools

My Little Man has been so backed up today he has just cried on and off for about 4 hours!

I finally found my enema kit (yes we have had issues with all my kids when they have been under about the age of 5--so I know how to give these), but was not looking forward to it with Little Man since he is more difficult than my other ones--any way.

I just finished filling the tub with a little warm water and setting up the bottle and getting the tube all ready when he comes running in.

"I got that big poop out!"  He isn't crying or walking funny so I don't believe him, but sure enough he pooped!  He doesn't know what an enema is so I don't think the idea of it scared the poop out of him--ha ha ha!

That was kind of the high light of my day.


My husband is amazing!  He is a great support to me in everything I do, even if he thinks it is a bad idea or doesn't want me to do it.

He works long and hard for us, but makes sacrifices in his schedule to spend time with us when needed.  He is no nonsense, blunt, and brutally honest-- and it has taken me a long while to really admire and appreciate those in his personality, but I really do think they are great qualities.

He treats everyone equally--I am not sure i have ever met someone who treats everyone the same.  I have seen him talk to owners of big companies like they are close friends, but he does the same with the handicap people we are friends with.  He is amazing that way.

He tries in every way to make my life easier.  I did canning this year and ordered some canning stuff with out discussing it with him first.  His reply "I need tools for my business, and you need tools for yours.  It is an investment."  I am so blessed to have a husband to sees and understands that.

We have a fairly large yard (it takes me an hour to mow it with a riding lawn mower), and I hated raking the leaves because it could easily take me four hours a few times every fall to get the yard cleaned up.  So what does my studly husband do?  He buys a thing I pull behind that lawn mower that rakes up the leaves and grass clippings for me.  We really didn't have the money for it, but he knew how much I hated and how hard it was for me to rake the yard, so he scraped together the funds.

Awesome guy!

I am so happy that years ago (13 I think) I made the right choice and agreed to marry him (even though right before he proposed, we had just got into a big fight and he wouldn't even talk to me! I will have to tell the story sometime).

Love you Lucas!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

10/14/2014 -- Day 26-- short daily journal!

Yesterday I had a flu shot on my right arm and a tetanus shot on my left.

I am feeling really drained today (also didn't sleep well) and my left arm is REALLY sore.

All 3 kids went to the dentist--no cavities and Little Man did awesome!!  So proud of them!

Also finally got to visit with my friend Lois--she is 94 and SO amazing!!  She was in the top 5 people I missed while in Korea.

Also TMI but I am 1 centimeter dilated! yay body!

Monday, October 13, 2014

10/13/2014--Day 27-- Politics

I recently got my ballot thing that explains all the new amendments we are going to be voting on soon.

I was raised in a pretty political family - no one ever ran for office but understanding the candidates, the issues, were a big deal.  My mom was very vocal about it and later my brother was involved a lot with politics in high school.

I always did Student Counsel, Sophomore through Senior year, but I never joined any specific political club.

I take pride in being informed and being able to vote.

We have 4 Amendments on our ballot this year and I am only unsure on how I will vote on one of them after reading about it.

I have a harder time with the Judges and Courts and stuff like that.  I find there just isn't a lot of non bias information out there on them.

In high school I took a government class and one of the things we were suppose to do was go to a grass roots movement and vote.  It was held in a house in my neighborhood.  I read over the phamplet I received there about the people running, but really didn't really understand it and didn't really know who to vote for.

I do remember picking someone I thought would do a good job (I didn't know anyone personally on the ballot), but there were many people I thought might do a good job.  Since that day I have been super embarrassed because one of the men running was at the house and I am sure he thought he had a shoe in until a group of us high school students with little knowledge came and voted.  I am not sure why that embarrassed me.  I don't remember who he was or if I even liked his political stance, I just remember that I made a choice that effected his life.

Since that day I have taken my voting knowledge more seriously.  I never vote unless I know and understand the issue.

Also my mom told me once, always vote NO on retaining a judge unless you KNOW for sure they are good because you don't want judges to think they are irreplaceable.

So I encourage everyone to become educated and vote.  If you really feel you don't have time to study the ballot (it took me about 20 minutes) then make sure you ask someone you feel politically in-tune with how they are voting and why.

Living in a small town (where we call the mayor by his first name), I know the importance one board member can make.  Good or bad.  It isn't enough to vote for your friend, but more important is to vote for someone who will be understanding, unbiased, and look at both sides of an issue before deciding what is best for the COMMUNITY and not just them.  

In our small town people have won and lost within 5 votes.  Only to have people tell them --'I would have voted for you, but I just didn't get around to it.'  Let me tell you how frustrating that is!

I have seen things voted on out of spite for someone the board member doesn't like, or only for their personal gain, even if it causes more people problems then does good.

SO please take 20-30 minutes this week (maybe during a lunch break) and read your ballot over and gain more knowledge before voting and then make sure you do VOTE!

Friday, October 10, 2014

10/10/2014 -- day 30 -- frumpy and one month

I read a post today about a lady who is no longer 'frumpy'.  Frumpy in my mind is someone who is to tired, lazy, unmotivated, and (insert own adjective here) to care about their looks.

I am frumpy.  It is hard not to be frumpy when 90% of your clothes let your belly hang out the bottom or when you are so big you waddle so no matter what you wear you FEEL frumpy.  Now insert pants that are either to small and restrict your walking, or to big and fall down making you look like a 'homey-G'!

So yes I am frumpy.  I keep thinking one day I will not be frumpy.  I will have cute clothes and a hair cut that is easy to style (which my hair is changing yet again with this pregnancy-I wasn't born with a hair styling gene like many people I know, and then have my hair change every 3 years due to pregnancy and I am doomed to a ponytail or bun the rest of my life), I will be stylish.  People will look at me and think--'Wow, she looks really together!'

But today is not that day.  Nor is tomorrow.  Infact until the baby is a year old (aka: I stop breastfeeding) and my body becomes my own again, I will most likely be frumpy.  That is just how I roll.

So until that time just smile and know the best is yet to come!


ONE MONTH! So technically my due date is the 14--I leave for Denver in one month.  I don't even want to think about my to do list for the next 30 days!  AAHHHH.

Ok--so here is another TO DO list...just so I can get some of these things out of my head!
The crossed out ones are ones I have finished YAY!

1.   Prepay hospital
2.   Pay Sprinkler guys
3.   Make a plan for Make-a-head meals
4.   Finish shopping for make-a-head meals
5.   Make the meals (I feel like I should post this one like three times it was such a big job!)
6.   Write a homeschooling letter that will be ready
7.   Practice leading the songs for church
8.   Pay parts store
9.   Call to find out HOW to prepay hospital 
10. Find the mattress for my bassinet
11.Call to get a tour of hospital (it is a new hospital for me)
12. Wash baby clothes
13. Move Christmas boxes to the front of the silo
14. Move boxes out of garage into silo
15. Finish fall yard clean up
      Pull flowers in front yard
      Water Lawn
      Take big branch to burn pile
      Pull up non garden items in garden
      pick up dead apples
16. Clean out garage
17. Get out the big items for baby and make sure they are clean.
      Little Swing
      Car Seat--expired!!
18. Finish the big gifts for Christmas (third gift happen after Denver)
      Pepper--#1     #2     #3
      Sedona-- #1     #2    #3
      Wheeler   #1    #2    #3
      Lucas      #1    #2    #3
19.  Get chimney cleaned (not gonna happen before baby)
20.  spray house for bugs (Lucas must do)
21.  Figure out how to organize my kitchen (zones?)  (Take pictures and make a plan in Denver?)
22. Sort through my Halloween and fall decor
23. Bring Wood in
24. Sand Peppers dresser
25. Paint peppers dresser.
26.Clean out stove
27. Peppers Birthday party
       Decorate the house (Saturday)
       Make & Decorate Cake (Friday)
       Cut out hats and Cowgirl (Thursday)
       Color the Cowgirl and assemble
       Fill a small bag with a prize for cowgirl hat thing.
       Fill balloons with Candy
       Blow up Balloons
28.  Call Suzy about the horse for Saturday
29.  Alamosa Library on 21st
30. Library on Thursday
31.  Read birthing books--I have one more left--where did I put it?
32.  Finish Whits Baby book (finish in Denver)
33.  Find embellishments for baby book (Finish in Denver)
34.  Get Visit Teacher done
       call #1
       call #2--Wed @ 10:00
       call #3---Tuesday @ 5:30
35.  Call for kids dentist
36.  Take Kelsie measure cup
37.  Give Lynn Sign
38.  Find lid lady number and give to her
39.   Look for chili recipe
40.  Do Letties gift
41.  My doctors appointments Oct 13th
42.  Kids doctors appointments Oct 21st
43.  Do Korean gifts for Christmas (not gonna happen before I leave)
44.  Make Chili for church Halloween party
45.  Halloween dinner
46.  Halloween costumes--Pepper Batman--Sedona Spanish Dancer--Wheeler Lion
47.  check car for trip
48.  Do Sept & Oct month end paper work
49.  Get hospital bags together
          Phone Numbers
          Brain Book
          Money (parking & vending machine)
          Gift for Kids from baby
          Nursing Bra/nursing pads
          Nursing Tank Top
          Going Home outfit
          Few Toiletries/Hair stuff
          Lip balm
         sign for door
          Music/CD player?
          Car seat/Car seat cover (keep in car)
          Going home outfit (warm clothes)
          Emery board
          Baby book or foot print paper

50.  Look for oven to buy in Denver (mine is officially on its last leg!)
51.  Homeschooling plans for Denver
52.  Pack baby stuff for Denver
53.  Read about voting issues
54.  Pack kids for Denver
55.  Pack me for Denver
56.  Make face painting plans for Denver
57.  Book from Tyla
58.  Email/Facebook Larson family about Christmas pictures
59.  Preschool playdate at my house--Oct 21st
      Spider Craft stuff
      Popcorn Balls
60. idea for preschool playdate!
61. Make an appointment with Principal
62. Print out letter of intent at library--stupid printer!
63.  Pay Don   
64. Wrap Peppers Presents
65. Get Rachel L phone number 
66. Christmas gifts for extended family and others
      Teacher 1
      Teacher 2
      Dad in Law
     Mom in law 
     Mom in law   (birthday)
     Dad in law (hubby in charge)
     McFadden Family--kids grown up
     Little man man
      Squirt name
      Fire cracker name
      Lucas Name
      Amy name
67. Kids Dentist appointment Oct 14th
68. Conejos library on Oct 28th
69. paint Wheelers bed
70. How do I prepay hospital--call and find out
71.  find nursing cover
72. My Dr. Appointment on Halloween
73.  Story time on the 20th for Achievement day girls--costume--book
74. Make cards for November Visit Teaching--get ready to mail
75. Both libraries on 30th
76. Read book that TR lent me
77. Read book TW lent me
78. Little Mans Doctor appointment
79. Appointment with Teacher on Tuesday
80. Call other teacher for appointment
81. Move Firecrackers dresser upstairs
82. Finish the knobs to Firecrackers dresser
83.  Find someone to led music for me Sunday

Thursday, October 9, 2014

10/09/2014-- Day 31-- Rainy day

Today was one of the rainiest days I have seen since we left Korea.  One night about a month ago it just poured, but that didn't last very long, but today on and off we had a pretty good rain.

a real alligator!

Poor little Pepper had her field trip today--which made for a kind of cold soggy day for all the kids, but she seemed to enjoy it anyway. They went to the alligator farm and the airport--she got some cute pictures.  While she enjoyed her field trip I was a little frustrated.  Our play date got cancelled cause of the rain, but hopefully it will be rescheduled, but I didn't get done what I was planning.

feeding the alligators

I wanted to work outside this morning, but it just wasn't going to happen.  Plus with all this rain I didn't want to move boxes back and forth, so my to do list didn't get as done as I hoped, but I did score a toddler bed for FREE!

Albino Alligator-I guess very rare

It was awesome-I drove by a house and there was a perfectly (although very pink) toddler bed.  I am sure the lady thought I was strange when I knocked on her door and asked for it, but she seemed happy to get rid of it.  She even offered a mattress, but I already had two (one for the crib and one for the toddler bed), and since I don't have issues with needing to horde stuff I polity declined--yay me!

My little Pepper of course found this machine very interesting and has about 3 pictures of this from different point of views--my little tom boy!

Tomorrow (and every Friday) my kids don't have school--I love it!
Honestly we get so much done on Fridays-and tomorrow is NO exception.  I hope it is sunny cause we will work on the house in the morning and get that cleaned up pretty quick and since the ground will be perfect for pulling dead flowers and weeds we will work on that in the afternoon.

Tonight all the kids are in my bed watching a movie while I try to button up a few things before heading to bed.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

10/08/2014 -- day 32 -- My Firecracker!

Today is my lovely little Pepper's birthday!

She joined us 7 years ago and was a crier.  She cried a lot.  I don't remember her crying, but my husband said she did.  Funny how we forget things.

So fun facts about Miss Pepper Faye!
She has a temper and is easily embarrassed.
She gets really angry when she is embarrassed, but she has a soft soul and never wants to disappoint anyone. She has a smile that melts hearts.
She loves bouncy balls.
She wants to be a monster truck or race car driver.
She is happy to just go along, but has plenty of ideas herself.
She loves to be with dad in the shop.
She loves to be with grandpa in the tractor.
She loves a good footbath.
She has beautiful brown eyes.
Her favorite food is ham, potato, cheese soup.
She is helpful to those younger/weaker than herself.
She is a great sister.
She is really good at saving money.

I love this girl and she brings so much happiness to my life!

I am proud to be her mom - I pray and hope that I will be the best parent possible to this amazing soul and that she is able to always shine as brightly as she has these past 7 years!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

10/7/2014 -- Day 33 -- Stolen bikes

yesterday I heard Pepper come home from school before I saw her.  She was BAWLING!

I thought she was hurt and had wretched her bike, so I was really confused when she said something about her bike, but she looked fine.

Finally I understood what she was saying

"My bike was stolen!  It is gone!"

Poor girl was heartbroken!

This bike is sentimental to both her and her dad.  Lucas put this bike together from pieces of old bikes his cousins and grandma had one summer.  He worked hard to put it together as a young boy.  This summer he and Pepper worked together to put new tires and stuff like that on it.

I thought, looking at it, no one would ever steal it.  We live in a small town--I haven't really seen any of the other bikes locked up so I thought theirs (being some of the oldest/not nicest bikes) would be ok--  I guess I was wrong.

Sedona thought she had an activity at the church (it is on Wed.) so she gave Pepper her bike to ride home--and she walked across the street to the church...only to figure out it wasn't today, so she started walking home.  She found the bike stashed behind a tree on the way home.

Pepper was so happy!  Life is good and the girls won't be riding the bike till I can find the lock we bought for it in the first place.

Monday, October 6, 2014

10/06/2014--day 34 -- birthday

Today is my incredible husbands birthday!

He is 35 and still a total hottie!  His hair is grayer (but longer), but his body is still almost the same (if not better) than when I met him.

Not only that but we have learned to live and let each other live so we can be happy.  Let me tell you that has taken me (and him) a LONG time to figure out.  It didn't come easy and life was not always happy, but now it is beautiful.

He is really is amazing.  Before I started seriously dating (ok, so maybe Lucas was the ONLY guy I only seriously dated), I wrote a list of 100 qualities I wanted in a man.  Lucas met MOST of them--maybe he didn't love musicals, or he couldn't play the piano while I sang, but I knew some of my list was negotiable.

BUT some things weren't.

I wanted a man who loved God and Jesus more than me, but not by much.  While he isn't the most 'churchy' he is way more spiritual than most people know.  He has a strong understanding of who he is and isn't willing to compromise that for anyone.

I wanted a man who was a good father.  While he parents VERY differently then me, he is an amazing parent.  He is consistent, has high expectations, and loves the kids so much.  He is a great example to me and how I can be a better parent every time I watch him interact with them.

OK--I could go on and on, but as you noticed I have missed a few days -- these days have been very long--nothing bad, just I am very prego and they have been busy so I am worn out!

See you tomorrow.

Friday, October 3, 2014

10/3/2014--day 37 -- life style of the rich and fabulous!

When I was young I wanted to be famous.  I wanted to be an amazing actress that lived a glamorous life.

What I didn't see is how much happier I am NOT rich and famous.  I can wear the ugliest pok-a-dot pants and mustard stained grey shirt out and about in my yard without worrying about who might be hiding in the bushes photographing me.

I am not watching every bite that goes into my mouth because I can't gain any weight or I will have to have my head shots retaken, or possible loose my job.

I don't have to paint my nails, wash my hair, put on my make-up, or do anything I don't want to because the only people I am trying to impress are God, me, my hubby, and at times a few other people.

So next time you are day dreaming about being wonderful and famous just remember everything comes with a price.

Models worry about gaining weight so much they make themselves sick and/or do drugs to keep their figures.  Movie stars worry about aging until they distort their faces so much--they look fake and plastic.

Anyway this post isn't amazing or anything, but the truth is I have been out of town since yesterday so I scheduled this to post while I was gone so people wouldn't know I am not home--not that anyone actually reads this, but better safe then sorry!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

10/2/2014--day 38 -- I'm Sorry

I loved this video.

can't figure out the link--just copy and paste or look up Not Sorry Pantene

My sister in law said when she first started watching it she felt her guard go up cause people should be polite, but after watching the WHOLE video (it isn't that long-l minute) she liked it.

I totally agreed with her.  I felt the same way the first time I watched it.  While I am not a fan of "sorry-NOT sorry" and would never use that phrase (I bet I start using it now), I do like the way it shows women being strong, still polite, and not looking so weak.

I tried very hard today to not use "I'm sorry" unless I really needed to--like when I hit my Little man in the head with my belly causing him to fall (I didn't know he was right behind me and this belly sticks straight out) that does get an I'm sorry--stuff like that.

My Little Man apologizes all the time already. He is 3.  He has no reason to apologize most of the time he actually does.  It actually makes me a little sad to see him do it, cause I can see how people must perceive me a little more.

So this week is the end of the I'm Sorry's and the start of embracing stronger language--oh man, that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean--Sorry!  ;)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

10/1/2014--day 39 -- mean mom and minimal living.

Last night we had a freeze.  So it was cold this morning.  What did I make my girls do?  Walk to school. Yep, I am a mean mom.

Before you call child services on me--we live literally two blocks from school.  I told my kids if it wasn't raining they could ride their bikes.  Everyday for 2 weeks they begged me to ride bikes, so finally I let them and now they don't want to ride them cause it is to cold in the morning.  By the afternoon it is perfect bike riding weather.

I will say that I have to find their winter coats today cause it is getting colder.  I remember walking to school lots.  I remember mom picking us up and that was always a pleasant surprise, but not expected.  I walked way further than two blocks to elementary, and twice as far to middle school, and if I missed the bus, or didn't have a ride even further to high school (maybe a whole mile or two!)

Also since I finished the bulk of canning yesterday (I did pick some squash and a few peppers that i need to take care of), I have been dreading cleaning my kitchen.  Before cleaning my kitchen easily took 2-3 hours to get it livable, but since I have stopped living in excess I can now get my kitchen 80% done in about an hour--if even that long.  I can get my house picked up in about half an hour--I am LOVING not having all that STUFF in my house.  BUT the problem is that it is still all in my garage!  You don't even want to see the garage.

My husband asked if we could please try to park at least one car in the three car garage this winter.  I am not sure if that is going to happen.  (actually we have one truck parked in there, but we don't use it, so we do have ONE truck in there--does that count?).  One of the other parking spaces is taken by our lawn equipment--Lawn Mower (one riding, one pushing), a lawn sweeper, and stuff like that.  So really the boxes and junk only take up one parking space :)  How is that for justifying?

While I did get ride of 1/3 of our stuff in the first yard sale (which I thought it was more)--I feel lighter and cleaner and not so weighed down.  It is amazing how our junk can weigh us down.  Mentally, physically, and emotionally it really does take a toll.

If you don't believe me think of something you don't want, but can't get rid of, how do you feel about it? Does it seem to take mental focus away from what you want to really be thinking about?  Maybe something your grandma gave you before she passed, or something a friend thought was perfect for you, but you don't really like.  Every time you see it -- it brings you down.  If you were to just give it away (or throw it away) your life would be lighter--you would feel bad for a week maybe two and it maybe uncomfortable when your friend asks where her gift went (you can always say you put it in a safer place, or tell the truth *Gasp*--that while you value her friendship the item wasn't something you loved so you gave it someone who would love it.)--BUT in the long run letting go of things weighing you down will make YOUR life so much better.

OK--I can write a book on clutter, organization, and stuff like that, so I will just end it here!