Sunday, January 10, 2016

1/10/16-- Article of Faith

Has anyone ever asked you...."so what do you believe?"

I like to talk with people and learn their beliefs.  I find everyone's story amazing. I will talk to you if you are Christian, Jewish, Wiccaa, or somewhere in-between.

I have been asked this and because of some awesome insight from one of our religious leaders, Joseph Smith, I have a great way to answer this question.

When the Church of Jesus Christ (Mormon, LDS) was being restored-Joseph Smith was asked to sum up the religion-- so he was inspired to write 13 Articles of Faith.  It is essentially an outline of our beliefs.

So I take a few weeks (on the 2nd Sunday of a few months) and talk about The Articles of Faith.

The first article of faith is very simple.
We Believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost.

Pretty simple.  Do you have any question about us believing in the Godhead?  I have had many people tell me I wasn't a Christian because I don't believe in Jesus.  I am always so surprised when they say this, because 1. Our religion title is "The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter-Day Saints" and 2. Ask any active member of our religion and they will tell you that we do believe in Christ as our Savior.
 I think that makes it pretty clear.

Here is where people who are only interested in arguing, instead of discussing, will argue with me - because we believe that Jesus is a separate person from God, and the Holy Ghost, we aren't really Christian.

I am sorry that you feel that way, because I want people to draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus in their lives, and hopefully that is your goal too-- so instead of fighting with me, lets join together and bring the Light of Christ to others.

The second Article of Faith
We believe that men will be punished for their own sins and not for Adams transgression.

Kind of fancy words for you are responsible for your actions. You can't say "well Adam was the first one who sinned, so anything I do is his fault."  or "well my mom smoked, so I will blame her for me smoking."  While I tend to agree with the 2nd one a little, I think that you will ultimately be held accountable for your actions good or bad.  However, I do believe that parents have a responsibility to teach their children---but that is another topic all together!

The Third Article of Faith
We Believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel.

Have you ever wondered if you are saved by works or grace?  This Article of Faith teaches that both are important.  Someone who learns of Christ at the end of their life isn't doomed because they haven't lived a perfect life--they can repent and be saved by the Atonement of Christ, and those that never learn of Christ, but live a good life--they aren't doomed either--its the ones that are bad and know about Christ that are in trouble!

I am not a "you are going to Hell" type of person-- in-fact I think very few people will go to Hell--

Christ was a peaceful person, but he would get angry at hypocrites.  Those who said they were the religious people and used the name of God for gain-- the money changers in the Temple-- I think that says something about the nature of our Judgement in the last days--wow I sound like of like those people on a street corner on a box--anyway...

I hope you have a fantastic Sunday and rest in order to sharpen your saw!!

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