Wednesday, January 27, 2016

2 weeks!

I made it about 2 weeks during my blog-- not bad!

That is about the story of my life.  Do a huge plan- get it all planned out--be gun ho about it and then...

well a few weeks go by and that is the end of my grand plan.

It is a horrible pattern I have found myself in.

I can't say that I am going to be back on track--cause those first few weeks I didn't have much going on in my life--but as they say---life happens.

I normally have lots of time at night to write on my blog, but I bought a subscription to a face paint website.  It is only good for a year SO I am trying to take advantage of every extra minute I have to watch the videos and learn all I can. The website has over 300 hours of face paint videos from all the professionals from around the world.

I will post-- I won't forget about the blog, but I am NOT going to feel guilt about missing a day (or even a week)!

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